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مرحبا بكم

السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته

لقد فكرت كثيرا كيف اخدم بلدى وانا لا أملك شئ غير مؤهلي ومجموعه من الدورات

والكورسات وبعد تفكير طويل أتت لي فكرة هذه المدونه.

وهى عباره عن مساعده لكل شاب وفتاه ممن يبحثون عن فرص عمل ولكن للأسف يصعب عليهم إدراك هذه الفرص فقلت لما لا يضع كل شخص السيره الذاتيه له هنا في مدونه واحده مما يسهل علي اي شركه راغبه في توظيف شباب البحث عن ما يناسبها من حاملي المؤهلات العليا او المتوسطه وبذلك نكون قد سهلنا الطريق للإثنين.

المطلوب منك هو الأتى:

1-قم بإرسال سيرتك الذاتيه علي الإيميل التالي :
2- قم بالتسجيل في المدونه عن طريق الايميل الخاص بك لتتابع معنا الجديد
" مهم جدا " ارسل لنا سيرتك الذاتيه بصيغه الورد office word نظرا لصعوبه نشر اي صيغه اخرى
3- قم بعمل شير لاصدقاءك في الفيس بوك او تويتر

ان شاء الله سوف اقوم برفع 5 ايميلات يوميا علي المدونه.

ملحوظه هااااامه :

لا تنسي ارسل لنا سيرتك الذاتيه بصيغه الورد office word

يرجى من البنات إزاله أرقام التليفونات والصوره الشخصيه ويكفي الإيميل.

نحن لا نسعي لأي نوع من أنواع الربح المدونه مجانيه كل ما اطمح به هو " الدعاء لي ولوالداى بالمغفره والرحمه والستر "

المدونه ما هى إلا همزه وصل بين طالب الوظيفه والشركات والمدونه غير مسؤله عن اي تفاصيل عمل أو أي شئ أخر غير عرض السيره الذاتيه فقط للراغبين في العمل.

والله المستعان

اتمنى ان تكون الفكره نالت إعجابكم واتمنى مشاركه كل شباب مصر الأحرار

سمر الظابط

الثلاثاء، 12 يوليو 2011

Ahmed Fathy Amin

Ahmed Fathy Amin

10 Elfeki Street, Elmarg, Cairo, Egypt
Home +224401252/ Mobile +20105493127
Seeking a vacancy in your esteemed company in the IT field where I can improve my talents, skills and personal skills.
Personal Data

Nationality            : Egyptian
Gender                 : Male
Date of Birth          : 19th  February , 1984
Marital Status         : Single
Military Service       : Exempted.
  Education And Training
University Education
Social Service Institute.
Grade: Passable
   Training &Certificates

MCSE+ Security
MCITP Exchange 2007

Language Skills:

Arabic    : Mother tongue.
English   : good.
   Other Skills

   Employment         experience

· Excellent knowledge of DOS & Windows & Internet Facilities.
· Configure hardware devices and drivers.
· Mange network IP addressing (static or DHCP).
· Sharing and manage network resources (printers, scanners, fax managers, time attendance system, access controls, and photocopiers.
· Disaster preparedness and recovery.
· Designing Active Directory Schema including users’ policies, privileges, network accessibility and sharing policies.
· Excellent internet experience.
· LAN and WAN experience including switches layer 3 configurations, DSl routers, and VLAN’s management.
· Can lead teams and successfully handle team conflicts.
· Hard working, punctual, energetic, self motivated.
· Excellent communication skills both verbal and written.
· Can work under pressure and for long hours.
· Good presentation and public speaking skills.
· Ability to work in a team or individually according to the task.
· Good knowledge of application Micros – Suite8 – Sun System – Material Control

             2010-Tell Now
· Cleopatra Hotel starting at July 2010 till now.
· Cleopatra Hotel, I Was responsible for network administration for 65 PC’s and 8 Servers, 2 HP Storage,3 IFC , Configure Door Lock , Safe Box
· Manage the backup procedure for the Accounting dept., the backup for the servers and the user policies.
· Computer Software and Hardware Maintenance
· Install, Configure Suite 8 Clients, Sun System , Material Control , Micros
· Install, configure and optimize Microsoft Windows Server 2003 including, Symantec Endpoint Management.

· Working in the IT department Assistant IT Manger at Senzo Mall starting at July 2009
· At Senzo Mall , I Was responsible for network administration for 70 PC’s and 4 servers, 5 manageable switches (HP , Prucarve), 1 router (Junber) 5 network printers, and 2 scanners. My main duties are to support the network on user level and administrator level.
· Manage the backup procedure for the Accounting dept., the backup for the servers and the user policies.
· Manage firewall to protect the LAN against hackers and system down.
· Design for new LAN cabling including patch panels, UTP, switches, router.
· Computer Software and Hardware Maintenance
· Install, configure and optimize Microsoft Windows Server 2003 including, Domain Controller, DHCP, DNS Servers at Senzo Mall.
· Install Exchange Server 2003 For 100 users And Configuration of The registrar to Senzo Mall.
· Configuration SQL@2005 Of The Server Elmotmam Account
· Configuration Voice IP HP Avya


· Working in the IT department at Globe telecom company (subsidiary of EK Holding) starting at November 2005 till now.
· Acting as an IT administrator for Globe partnership in the National Project for Digital Cadastral Agriculture Lands (Elsegel Al Ainy Al Zeraie) which include a huge size of data conversion for cadastral maps and agricultural lands real estate and implementing integration between both types of data inside GIS environment for middle Egypt governorates.
· Through this project Globe Telecom is conducting data conversion for more than 30,000 maps and three millions model of agricultural lands ownership.
· The huge project includes 180 PC’s connected and controlled by 2 servers(domain controller and Oracle database)
· At Globe Head Office, I was responsible for network administration for 70 PC’s and 4 servers, 5 manageable switches (LinkSys and 3Com), 2 routers (Net Gear and Speed Touch) 5 network printers, and 2 scanners. My main duties are to support the network on user level and administrator level.
· Manage the backup procedure for the GIS dept., the backup for the servers and the user policies.
· Manage firewall to protect the LAN against hackers and system down.
· For the defense sector, I was maintaining about 2000 PC’s scattered in all over Egypt for H/W maintenance and handling at the same time the vendors maintenance and/or replacement for spare parts.
· Design for new LAN cabling including patch panels, UTP, switches, router.
· Computer Software and Hardware Maintenance
· Install, configure and optimize Microsoft Windows Server 2003 including, Domain Controller, DHCP, DNS Servers at Koki manufacture.
· Install Exchange Server 2003 For 100 users And Configuration of The registrar to Koki manufacture.


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