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مرحبا بكم

السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته

لقد فكرت كثيرا كيف اخدم بلدى وانا لا أملك شئ غير مؤهلي ومجموعه من الدورات

والكورسات وبعد تفكير طويل أتت لي فكرة هذه المدونه.

وهى عباره عن مساعده لكل شاب وفتاه ممن يبحثون عن فرص عمل ولكن للأسف يصعب عليهم إدراك هذه الفرص فقلت لما لا يضع كل شخص السيره الذاتيه له هنا في مدونه واحده مما يسهل علي اي شركه راغبه في توظيف شباب البحث عن ما يناسبها من حاملي المؤهلات العليا او المتوسطه وبذلك نكون قد سهلنا الطريق للإثنين.

المطلوب منك هو الأتى:

1-قم بإرسال سيرتك الذاتيه علي الإيميل التالي :
2- قم بالتسجيل في المدونه عن طريق الايميل الخاص بك لتتابع معنا الجديد
" مهم جدا " ارسل لنا سيرتك الذاتيه بصيغه الورد office word نظرا لصعوبه نشر اي صيغه اخرى
3- قم بعمل شير لاصدقاءك في الفيس بوك او تويتر

ان شاء الله سوف اقوم برفع 5 ايميلات يوميا علي المدونه.

ملحوظه هااااامه :

لا تنسي ارسل لنا سيرتك الذاتيه بصيغه الورد office word

يرجى من البنات إزاله أرقام التليفونات والصوره الشخصيه ويكفي الإيميل.

نحن لا نسعي لأي نوع من أنواع الربح المدونه مجانيه كل ما اطمح به هو " الدعاء لي ولوالداى بالمغفره والرحمه والستر "

المدونه ما هى إلا همزه وصل بين طالب الوظيفه والشركات والمدونه غير مسؤله عن اي تفاصيل عمل أو أي شئ أخر غير عرض السيره الذاتيه فقط للراغبين في العمل.

والله المستعان

اتمنى ان تكون الفكره نالت إعجابكم واتمنى مشاركه كل شباب مصر الأحرار

سمر الظابط

الأربعاء، 21 سبتمبر 2011



 APARTMENT NO.4 - THE FIRST Floor - building No.7
 SAUDI COMPANY Towers, El Thawra St. - Cornish El Nile
 Assiut, Egypt

Home Phone: +20-88-2317006
Work Phone: +20-88-2290599 
 Mobile:         +20-18-8442324


I am seeking a distinguished opportunity to prove my skills and talents. The targeted job in fields that have mutual interaction with people In Information Technology

Personal Information:

·    Marital Status: Single.
·    Nationality: Egyptian.
·    Data of Birth: December 8, 1981.
·    Place of Birth: Assiut, Egypt.
·    Age : 29
·    Military Status : Postponed


University of labor studies - specialized Technology Academy - Division of quality control, September 2001 - August 2005
Grade: Good
Project Grade: Very Good
                                          Graduation Project: Studying the Theory and Practical  
                                            Application of Quality
                                      Systems for Products of CHIBSY- Assuit (The Egyptian     Company for FoodIndustries)            


·    Language skills:
       Arabic mother tongue, English good.
·    Computer Skills:

                                     01. Technical Support
                                     02. Hardware, Software Maintenance
                                     03. Networking and Security.
                                     04. Professional with internet searching. 
                                     05. Professional with different kinds of operating systems.
                                           Including Linux, Windows, Mac-OS.X, Solaris.
                                     06. Web pages designing professional with FrontPage.
                                     07. Professional with Microsoft office and its applications
                                     08. Good Knowledge in UNIX
                                     09. Very Good Knowledge in Web Services and techniques
                                     10. Good Analysis and Design skills in Database Design
                                     11. TCP/IP , Wireless , DNS , WINS , DHCP

Personal Skills:
                                    01. Able to work in team, working under stress,
                                           meeting  deadlines
02. Teachable. Accurate. Ambitious
03. Excellent case management skills and assessment         
04. Knowledgeable and practiced with the tools and use of 
       legal research.
05. Persistent and dedicated; exhaust all resources to get the 
       job done.

      06. Ability to work in virtual team.
      07. Good Communication Skills.
      08. Work well with other.
      09. Ability to work irregular hours.
      10. Ability to manage tasks in a pressured environment
      11. Ability to learn fast

Jobs Experiences:

·    Worked as a Networking Administrator in YALLAMISR, Egypt, Assiut
(January 2002 - March 2007).
·    Working as an IT Freelancer in the software and hardware market
(1997 - Present Time).
·    Working as a Hardware, Software, and Networking Administrator in [(Zeyada@Net Co.) For Networks And Maintenances - Assuit - Egypt]
(2000 - Present Time).

Professional  Experience:

·    Built, maintained, and repaired computer systems to improve speed, reliability, and efficiency of operations.
·    Demonstrated high quality, results-driven, prompt, and professional customer service and support to instill confidence in technical advice and directions.
·    Reduced stress levels of customers by adopting a cooperative attitude and positive approach to every task and assignment.
·    Received numerous customer commendations and awards.
·    Very high experience in computer hardware maintenance especially in: motherboards, hard disk drives, laptops and computer network systems and many Other Electronic Devices.
·    Very high experience in computer software maintenance and establishments
·    Very high Experience / Knowledge in ADSL / ADSL2 / ADSL2+ / SDSL Lines & Networks.
·    Over 10 Years of Expertise in Planning, Coordinating, implementing and evaluating the effectiveness of Systems, Infrastructure and Staffing Required to Accomplish Companies Projects and Objectives.

Licenses and Certification:


 ·    MCSE on Windows Server 2003

·    MCITP on Windows Server2008 ,Enterprise Administrator

·    COMPTIA A+ Certification.  

·    COMPTIA N+ Certification          

                                      ·    CCNA Certification                                                                                           .                                                                                                  

·    ICDL Certification .    

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