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السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته

لقد فكرت كثيرا كيف اخدم بلدى وانا لا أملك شئ غير مؤهلي ومجموعه من الدورات

والكورسات وبعد تفكير طويل أتت لي فكرة هذه المدونه.

وهى عباره عن مساعده لكل شاب وفتاه ممن يبحثون عن فرص عمل ولكن للأسف يصعب عليهم إدراك هذه الفرص فقلت لما لا يضع كل شخص السيره الذاتيه له هنا في مدونه واحده مما يسهل علي اي شركه راغبه في توظيف شباب البحث عن ما يناسبها من حاملي المؤهلات العليا او المتوسطه وبذلك نكون قد سهلنا الطريق للإثنين.

المطلوب منك هو الأتى:

1-قم بإرسال سيرتك الذاتيه علي الإيميل التالي :
2- قم بالتسجيل في المدونه عن طريق الايميل الخاص بك لتتابع معنا الجديد
" مهم جدا " ارسل لنا سيرتك الذاتيه بصيغه الورد office word نظرا لصعوبه نشر اي صيغه اخرى
3- قم بعمل شير لاصدقاءك في الفيس بوك او تويتر

ان شاء الله سوف اقوم برفع 5 ايميلات يوميا علي المدونه.

ملحوظه هااااامه :

لا تنسي ارسل لنا سيرتك الذاتيه بصيغه الورد office word

يرجى من البنات إزاله أرقام التليفونات والصوره الشخصيه ويكفي الإيميل.

نحن لا نسعي لأي نوع من أنواع الربح المدونه مجانيه كل ما اطمح به هو " الدعاء لي ولوالداى بالمغفره والرحمه والستر "

المدونه ما هى إلا همزه وصل بين طالب الوظيفه والشركات والمدونه غير مسؤله عن اي تفاصيل عمل أو أي شئ أخر غير عرض السيره الذاتيه فقط للراغبين في العمل.

والله المستعان

اتمنى ان تكون الفكره نالت إعجابكم واتمنى مشاركه كل شباب مصر الأحرار

سمر الظابط

الأحد، 14 أغسطس 2011

Mustafa Sobhy Mustafa Sakr

Mustafa Sobhy Mustafa Sakr
Date of Birth: 15 - 8-1980
Nationality: Egypt
Religion: Muslim
Qualifications:Bachelor of Commerce - Division of Accounting - University of Tanta 2000 – 2001
Military service:exempted
Sociality status:married
Living city: zefta - gharbia

Work experience : 

1 - Accountant of the Arab Company for Cotton Ginning, from 2001 until March 2009
The reality of working as an accountant: preparation of accounting entries - diarists Migration - Migration books professor - Preparation of trial balances - Preparing a trial balance of general ledger - Preparation of final accounts
2 - Accountant accounts of stores and warehouses diary entry and registration books of accounts of stores and review the preparation of the balance of stock and adjust the inventory accounts and do an inventory of the stock and show the deficit and the increase and the work of inventory adjustments
And adjust the balance of the inventory stock with the balance of the inventory balance of the audit Help & diary entry general journal - the Fund's account - the bank account and bookkeeping (suppliers - Bank - payables and receivables - customers - taxes.
Registration books of the costs and revenues.
Registration record of fixed assets _ the preparation of memoranda of depreciation.
Section personnel affairs: registration record Vacations - Register tax gain of work - day absence - with regard to insurance for the facility and the worker.
3 - Financial and administrative inspector of the Arab Company for Cotton Ginning from April 2009 until January 2010 as follows:
Inspection of accounts: inventory treasury - Checking the balance of audit and examination of the books and bills of exchange and supply checks and check payroll bank account and the work of an inventory of a sudden the stock and match the actual inventory of the assets of the books and show the deficit and increase and examine the books of checks and matching checks extracted as well as examine aspects of exchange of cash and check books costs.
Inspection of personnel affairs as follows:
Attendance - Register vacations and daily absences and how to withhold taxes from workers earning work
Monitor the group work and discipline of management reports for workers
4 - Auditor's Hospital, a special investment from February 2010 to now as follows:
Check the movement of receipts and payments journal - Review customer accounts and claims monthly - the audit of suppliers - Review bank book and the movement of checks and deposits - the statement of bank account - check rates doctors to detect, processes and services rendered to patients - review of book tax -
inventory control and supply and sanitation - Monitoring the stores food and beverages as well as incoming and outgoing to and including - Review payroll and overtime - Review bills internal and external - the audit of insurance companies - control accounts pharmacy and inventory control of drugs and foreign exchange controls and supply for medications - the final audit of the facility - because of what the expense of drug companies - the audit of the laboratory and radiology and emergency and clinics - to control the entry and exit of currency and rates change according to market prices.

 English – French
 icdl – accounts programs – pharmacy accounts programs –hospitals accounts programs.
I have special driving license.
Face book: mostfasakr
Mobile: 0115373494 – 0163537697
Tel.home: 0405704421



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